August 16, 2010 - Tubby’s Restaurant - 7:00PMOur meeting was called to order by Shelley Merrick. Minutes from our July 19, 2010 meeting were approved and seconded.
Treasurer’s Report – Joe Richardson reports that we have a balance of $1,825.98 in our account. $330.00 has been earmarked for Surf Etiquette signs.
Adopt-A-Highway – We will schedule an Adopt-A-Highway cleanup for September 4, 2010 – 7:30AM to9:30AM. An email will be sent out before the cleanup to see if you are able to volunteer.
Savannah Harbour Deepening Project- The impact study for the Deepening project is due some time in October. Surfrider will send them a letter stating our chapters position on not favoring the near shore dumping of the residue from the dredging.
Beach Signs - Cindy Wisner have received pricing for the manufacture of the Surf Ediquttee signs and is in the process of trying to find the originator of the art work so we can obtain the digital files for reproduction. If we can get the digital files for the job, we can eliminate a design fee when they are manufactured. Tybee has “OK’ed” the design and installation of the signs. Our treasurer has set aside the money needed for the production of the signs. Our chapter will also contact a local design artist and ask if she can create a digital file for our needs. A motion was moved and approved to pay as much as $100.00 for this service.
Tybee Bird Study- Joe will call for volunteers soon for early morning low tides collections. He may try to get three new studies in during the month of September. If you would like to be included on Joe’s volunteer list, please let him know at .
Surf Camera Update- The Camera at the Ocean Plaza is up and running again. The link to the site is . On the site, there is a link to a “Live Web Cam” that shows a view directly out from the Ocean Plaza.
Surf Reports for Tybee – Don’t forget to follow Tim Malins on his Twitter page for surf updates ( ) and High Tide Surf Shops page too for updates and daily photos of the surf at Tybee. Use this site too
( ) for daily photos of the surf.
Joint Chapter Meeting- We discussed a joint chapter gathering with the Atlanta Surfrider Chapter and our friends in St. Simon’s area too. We will have to brainstorm to come up with some good ideas for some sort of joint venture. If you have any suggestions, just let anyone on the Executive Committee know.
Beach Party Idea - Mark the date / October 16, 2010. This is the date of one of the Eastern Surfing Association’s Surf Contests at Tybee and we thought it might be a fun idea for our chapter to also use that day for a “word of mouth” gathering on the beach for a little fun and fellowship, and hopefully a few waves.
Executive Committee Elections – In September, our chapter will take nominations for elections to the Executive Committee. Nominations will be taken from the floor at the meeting, by mail or nominations can be emailed to me ( ) before September 12th. There will be an odd number of members on the Executive Committee – in our case that will be 7 members. Each member of the Executive Committee serves a two year term in the position that they are placed, but not successive terms in the same position. At our October 18, 2010 meeting, a secret ballot vote will be taken and counted to determine the 7 members that have been elected to the Executive Committee. Those 7 members will then determine amongst themselves who is placed in which position.
Meeting Ajourned