Coastal Georgia / Low Country
Surfrider Foundation Chapter MinutesMarch 22, 2010 - Tubby’s Restaurant - 7:00PM
Our meeting was called to order by our chapter chair Shelley Merrick. Minutes from our February 15, 2010 meeting were approved and seconded.
Treasurer’s Report – Joe Richardson reports that we have a balance of $2,187.81 in our account.
Adopt-A-Highway – We have an Adopt-A-Highway cleanup scheduled for March 27, 2010. We will meet at the Lazaretto Creek Bridge boat ramp at 9:00AM for our cleanup. Hope you see you there…
Storm Water Bird and Beach Water Quality - Joe Richardson states that we have finished 3 of 8 studies to date. Joe will be looking at new dates for some time in mid April for our next study. We will send out an email reminder for potential volunteers for the next study!
Letter to Representative Jack Kingston Col. Ed Kertis- Joe Richardson drafted a letter to Col. Kertis and the Corp of Engineers regarding the next dredging of Tybee Beach. The letter describes the ability to enhance the beach for improved wave quality while re-nourishing the beach for shore protection. The next beach re-nourishment will be almost six years away, but our local chapter felt that it would be a wise idea to get our hopes and views on record with the Corp or Engineers. Ed also suggested that we send a copy of the letter to Congressman Jack Kingston. Rep. Kingston replied to Shelley regarding our letter and will be in contact with our local chapter regarding future re-nourishment.
Beach Signs - Patrick Carver has been working with Mayor Jason Buelterman of Tybee Island regarding the signs that Surfrider would like put up at the beach. Warning signs and Surf Etiquette signs will possibly be placed at strategic locations at both the north end and south end of the beach. We are not sure that Tybee will finance the cost of these signs, so Jim Stephens has offered to host some sort of fundraiser at his Underground Boardworks Surf Shop if needed. Subcommittee for the signs is comprised of Lindsey Paragon, Cindy Wisner and Patrick Carver.
Tybee Beach Cleanups- Tybee Beautification Association reminds us they have beach cleanups scheduled for May 1st, July 5th and September 18th. I’m sure they’d love to have some help if you are available.
International Surf Day – International Surf Day is Sunday, June 20th this year. Shelley and Patrick are our contacts this year, so if you have a great idea for ISD or wish to volunteer and hang our on the beach with the chapter that day, just give them a call or send them an email. Joe Richardson has secured all the necessary permits. Our chapter will hold it’s Water Day festivities on June 19th.
We will also have a Sunday event at Huckapoos on Tybee – possibly a movie night and BBQ that evening. Joe Richardson has rounded up a great group of sponsors for his years event – High Tide Surf Shop, Underground Boardworks Surfshop, Yoga with Christine, North Island Surf and Kayak, Photography by Joey Wilson, Coastal Enviromental Analysis, Tybee Island YMCA, Tybee Island Marine Science Center and Eastern Surfing Association Georgia District.
Tybee Beach Bum Parade – Patrick Carver is still looking into contacting the committee in charge of the Beach Bum Parade for possible inclusion.
Earth Day – Our local chapter will have a booth in Forsyth Park this year on April 17, 2010 for Earth Day. If you care to volunteer, please contact us.
Green Drinks – A few of our local representatives attended the last meeting of Green Drinks ( ) ,a social networking group initiated by local non-profits and businesses to engage community members in an informal setting. We are told that there was much interest in our local chapter.
Savannah River News – In the wake of the recent spill of over 6,500 gallons of diesel fuel into the Savannah River, our minds are squarely focused on the use and maintanence of the river. The Savannah Harbor Expansion Project ( ) states that the next Stakeholders Evaluation Meeting will be May 11, 2010 from 9:00AM to 1:00PM at the Mighty Eight Air Force Museum in Pooler, GA.
St. Simon’s Chapter Meeting – Shelley suggested that we might hold a chapter meeting on St. Simons in conjunction with Windfest on June 26, 2010.
Surf Reports for Tybee – Don’t forget to follow Tim Malins on his Twitter page for surf updates ( ) and High Tide Surf Shops page too for updates and daily photos of the surf at Tybee. Use this site too
( ) for daily photos of the surf.
Ferry from Savannah to Tybee to Hilton Head Island – Check this article about a proposed ferry hovercraft in our area.
Next Meeting - Our next local Chapter meeting will be April 19, 2010 at Tubby’s in Thunderbolt – at 7:00PM.
PS- One more note, the latest edition of Making Waves does have a short article about our bird study at Tybee (so now we are getting some international publicity).