Monday, June 9, 2008

Tybee Race -Last is the new First.

Saturday was Race Day on Tybee and anybody who is anybody in the paddling community was there to show their support. There are three races, the main one being the Little Tybee Challenge, a 9 mile paddle around part of L.T. It was a great turn out with many new faces taking part. Outrigger canoes, race boats and SOT's were all represented in this great little on water festival. Kristin and myself organized the Safety Boat Committee but the conditions were calm and no rescues were required.

Doc Marlay maintained his unbeaten record of Last Place for the Challenge as he was narrowly usurped by Carol, racing for the first time. Proudly sporting her pearl necklace, Carol was more than pleased with her Second to last place finish.

" Darling, when God gives you Lemons, make Long Island Lemonade." she said afterwards.

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