Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sea Shepherd Scores Big Hit

The Eco Warriors we love to love scored a big hit in icy waters yesterday against the Japanese whaling fleet.
In their signature move of getting between the grenade tipped harpoons of Jap whaler terrorist and the whales themselves, the Ady Gil was almost cut in half in quite heavy seas. The very hairy incident, captured on video, was with a whaler security ship which can clearly be seen to change course towards the boat. The crew were unhurt and rescued from the Ady Gil which is taking on water and expected to sink quite soon.
Sea Shepard has been implementing Operation Matilda ever since the Japanese whaling season began in November in the cold southern oceans. Ever since this time the Steve Irwin and the Ady Gil have been shadowing and engaging the whaling ships masquerading as research vessels, constantly dogging and out-maneuvering the accompanying security vessels.

The very high tech carbon painted Ady Gil was a recent donation to the affirmative action agency just last October, after it completed a round the world high speed record attempt. The boats intended use in the front line war with marine poachers was to rapidly deploy into the line of fire between the harpooners and whale pods.
The boat was undetectable to ships radar and was mounted with thermal imaging equipment and a 10,000 Watt speaker system. Whoever was driving the Ady Gil during this devastating encounter seems a little slow on the throttle and wheel.
Although the loss of this boat is a set back to the immediate protection of south seas whales, the ultimate outcome is probably worth it's demise. Commercial whaling is a completely barbaric and unnecessary business that should have ceased over 100 years ago. The fact that it is still in operation and endorsed by governments is a sad reflection on that country and humanity.

For volunteer and job opportunities with with Sea Shepherd click through the link on the left, or make a donation of your own water may even 'go down' in the line of duty.

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